Sentran LLC




Once the desired product(s) has been selected, follow these simple steps to arrive at the appropriate model designation for ordering. For example, to order a 2,500 lbs. stainless steel S Beam with the shunt calibration feature:

STEP 1 THE FIRST TWO CHARACTERS OF THE MODEL DESIGNATION IDENTIFY THE SPECIFIC PRODUCT SERIES. There characters are found at the top left corner of the specific product data bulletin, for example "ZB".
STEP 2 THE THIRD CHARACTER REPRESENTS THE MATERIAL TYPE. The "Mechanical" section of the specific product data bulleting indicated the available material types for any given product. In the Price List, each MODEL DESIGNATION/MATERIAL TYPE is provided as a complete THREE CHATACTER DESIGNVATION MATERIAL TYPE
STEP 3 THE NEXT SET OF FIVE CHARACTYERS ARE FOR CAPACITY. A numeric value without letters represents a capacity in pounds. "K" is representative of thousands of pounds. "KG" represents kilograms.
STEP 4 OPTION CODES are two character designations. These codes are located in the "Accessories and Options" Section of the Price List




SENTRAN offers the services of our factory-based Field Service Engineering Group for purposes of commissioning assistance, training and close technical support of our products for our customers.

It is our experience that field engineering assistance, particularly during system start up, facilitates a smooth transition of operational parameters to on-site technical support personnel. Not only are potentially costly delays minimized, the field service engineer also has the opportunity to fully acquaint operating personnel with the proper operation and maintenance techniques for installed equipment.


Weekday Daily Rate: $800/day (1)
Hours Worked In Excess Of Eight Hours: $150/hr
Recognized Holidays and Weekends: Time is billed at 1.5 times the standard daily/hourly rate
Travel and Subsistence Costs: Invoiced at cost (2)
(1) Please note that partial days are billed at the full day rate.
(2) Costs include transportation, lodging, meals, car rental and any other related costs.

Please contact SENTRAN to schedule field service at least two weeks in advance of your field service requirements. In all cases, we will do our best to accommodate your scheduling needs and commercial interests.


Prepayment of a minimum of 50% of estimated time, travel and subsistence is required for all field service orders. Terms for the balance due is per SENTRAN's established terms.

Terms and Conditions | Warranty

Load Cells | Load Pins | Weigh Modules | Transmitters | Indicators
Sensors and Transducers | Torque | Scales | Summing/Junction Boxes | Custom Products